# (detailed escalation info about first response, update and solution time) | | |
Ticket.FirstResponseTimeEscalation (if true, ticket is escalated) | | |
Ticket.FirstResponseTimeNotification (if true, notify – x% of escalation has reached) | | |
Ticket.FirstResponseTimeDestinationTime (date of escalation in unix time, eg 72193292) | | |
Ticket.FirstResponseTimeDestinationDate (date of escalation, eg “2009-02-14 18:00:00”) | | |
Ticket.FirstResponseTimeWorkingTime (seconds of working/service time until escalation, eg “1800”) | | |
Ticket.FirstResponseTime (seconds total until escalation, eg “3600”) | | |
Ticket.UpdateTimeEscalation (if true, ticket is escalated) | | |
Ticket.UpdateTimeNotification (if true, notify – x% of escalation has reached) | | |
Ticket.UpdateTimeDestinationTime (date of escalation in unix time, eg 72193292) | | |
Ticket.UpdateTimeDestinationDate (date of escalation, eg “2009-02-14 18:00:00”) | | |
Ticket.UpdateTimeWorkingTime (seconds of working/service time until escalation, eg “1800”) | | |
Ticket.UpdateTime (seconds total until escalation, eg “3600”) | | |
Ticket.SolutionTimeEscalation (if true, ticket is escalated) | | |
Ticket.SolutionTimeNotification (if true, notify – x% of escalation has reached) | | |
Ticket.SolutionTimeDestinationTime (date of escalation in unix time, eg 72193292) | | |
Ticket.SolutionTimeDestinationDate (date of escalation, eg “2009-02-14 18:00:00”) | | |
Ticket.UpdateTimeWorkingTime (seconds of working/service time until escalation, eg “1800”) | | |
Ticket.SolutionTime (seconds total till escalation, eg “3600”) | | |
# (time stamps of expected escalations) | | |
Ticket.EscalationResponseTime (unix time stamp of response time escalation) | | |
Ticket.EscalationUpdateTime (unix time stamp of update time escalation) | | |
Ticket.EscalationSolutionTime (unix time stamp of solution time escalation) | | |
# (general escalation info of nearest escalation type) | | |
Ticket.EscalationDestinationIn (escalation in eg 1h 4m) | | |
Ticket.EscalationDestinationTime (date of escalation in unix time, eg 72193292) | | |
Ticket.EscalationDestinationDate (date of escalation, eg “2009-02-14 18:00:00”) | | |
Ticket.EscalationTimeWorkingTime (seconds of working/service time till escalation, eg “1800”) | | |
Ticket.EscalationTime (seconds total until escalation of nearest escalation time type – response, update or solution time, eg “3600”) | | |