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Elasticsearch – mapeamento dos campos


portallinks_* = informações do catálogo de serviços e de FAQ
ticket_* = informações dos chamados

portallinks_* – Índice do catálogo de serviços e FAQ


ticket_* – Índice dos chamados

# (detailed escalation info about first response, update and solution time)
Ticket.FirstResponseTimeEscalation (if true, ticket is escalated)
Ticket.FirstResponseTimeNotification (if true, notify – x% of escalation has reached)
Ticket.FirstResponseTimeDestinationTime (date of escalation in unix time, e. g. 72193292)
Ticket.FirstResponseTimeDestinationDate (date of escalation, e. g. “2009-02-14 18:00:00”)
Ticket.FirstResponseTimeWorkingTime (seconds of working/service time till escalation, e. g. “1800”)
Ticket.FirstResponseTime (seconds total till escalation, e. g. “3600”)
Ticket.UpdateTimeEscalation (if true, ticket is escalated)
Ticket.UpdateTimeNotification (if true, notify – x% of escalation has reached)
Ticket.UpdateTimeDestinationTime (date of escalation in unix time, e. g. 72193292)
Ticket.UpdateTimeDestinationDate (date of escalation, e. g. “2009-02-14 18:00:00”)
Ticket.UpdateTimeWorkingTime (seconds of working/service time till escalation, e. g. “1800”)
Ticket.UpdateTime (seconds total till escalation, e. g. “3600”)
Ticket.SolutionTimeEscalation (if true, ticket is escalated)
Ticket.SolutionTimeNotification (if true, notify – x% of escalation has reached)
Ticket.SolutionTimeDestinationTime (date of escalation in unix time, e. g. 72193292)
Ticket.SolutionTimeDestinationDate (date of escalation, e. g. “2009-02-14 18:00:00”)
Ticket.UpdateTimeWorkingTime (seconds of working/service time till escalation, e. g. “1800”)
Ticket.SolutionTime (seconds total till escalation, e. g. “3600”)
# (time stamps of expected escalations)
Ticket.EscalationResponseTime (unix time stamp of response time escalation)
Ticket.EscalationUpdateTime (unix time stamp of update time escalation)
Ticket.EscalationSolutionTime (unix time stamp of solution time escalation)
# (general escalation info of nearest escalation type)
Ticket.EscalationDestinationIn (escalation in e. g. 1h 4m)
Ticket.EscalationDestinationTime (date of escalation in unix time, e. g. 72193292)
Ticket.EscalationDestinationDate (date of escalation, e. g. “2009-02-14 18:00:00”)
Ticket.EscalationTimeWorkingTime (seconds of working/service time till escalation, e. g. “1800”)
Ticket.EscalationTime (seconds total till escalation of nearest escalation time type – response, update or solution time, e. g. “3600”)

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